Sports Teams

SplitSeasonTickets wants to be a partner in your season ticket sales and renewal strategy. Our tools help your season ticket holders find partners and better manage their season tickets. Your sales reps can tout our platform when making new sales and renewing accounts. Your SplitSeasonTickets program is customizable to meet your organization's goals.

help your best customers


SplitSeasonTickets has helped thousands of season ticket holders find new partners which means that they can keep their seats and renew. Our partner matching tools are proven and simple for your customers and they give your box office complete oversight over the process.

Provide a legitimate answer to: "I can't renew my seats because I lost a partner / can't afford them any more -- can you help?"

useful tools

Season Ticket Benefit

SplitSeasonTickets comes with powerful tools to manage tickets and partners, hold online drafts, and track how their tickets are used. We have found that most teams report that at least 70% of their accounts share with partners. These tools make it easier.

innovative new ways to sell

New Sales

With SplitSeasonTickets you can create new ways for customers to purchase the tickets they want. Put two or more people together and use our platform to allocate and distribute the tickets. Use our social selling tools to put groups together, our Draft Order Algorithm to create a fair draft order, and use our online drafts to divvy up the games.

new insights


Sharing season tickets is happening with or without your participation. With SplitSeasonTickets you gain valuable and actionable data. Which of your season ticket holders need partners? Who are the share partners? Which games are drafted the most or least?

San Francisco Giants

"SplitSeasonTickets has provided a much needed service for us. Season ticket holders can find share partners when they need to which helps us maintain a high renewal rate."

Minnesota Twins

"The Twins have enjoyed a strong partnership with Split Season Tickets since 2011. I would highly recommend any sports organization adding their service to their arsenal of renewal tools and their Season Ticket Holder benefit list."

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